About Us

About Us:

As children, we played DOS games that were copied on floppy disks, as teenagers we burned the games on discs and now we can find any game that we would like to play online, but then another problem occurred, finding GOOD online game. A decade ago, it was quite simple to find good games cause there were five to ten games that everyone knew and heard of. Nowadays the variety of the games makes it harder to find any good games.

Our website BeFrOG.net was born to serve this purpose and to make the sorting job for you! We're always searching for the best games!

The games that are uploaded on our site were chosen after strict selection. We are "do it yourself" website, we are playing the games ourselves and posting screen shots through the gameplay that describes the games in the best way possible (one picture is worth a thousand words).

You can join us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ in order to stay updated with the newest best free online games. Share posts and tweets to keep you friends updated with the games you like.

Most importantly, our website doesn't have any pop ups!

We hope you will enjoy playing on our site. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, we'll be happy to hear, so please contact us.
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